Oh for the love of GOD...

(interspersed amongst my rantings... work from the most recent Drawing class)

ok ok ok... I get it. 

So I am frustrated as all f_ck by my drawing class... 
A bit o' background; 
it's an intermediate to advanced figure drawing class taught by a highly respected artist.
I think my instructor is worthy of the respect he gets... he is a wonderful artist... BUT his philosophy seems to differ from mine immensely. 

I am trying...

I am REALLY trying to "get" what he is saying... what he is trying to teach... I mean, some of the things he says make sense, and I buy it -- Like; it's about relationships... how does this relate to this? or For this to be true, this must be true. (with regard to proportion and/or figurative relationships). I know these things... and yeah, sometimes I need to know this and apply this more often than I do. 


...his disciplinary school of thought is radically different than mine. He seems to subscribe to Abstract Expressionism. Though I am not a realist, I certainly believe in some of the fundamentals of the realist school of thought... such as you must know a figure before you can abstract that figure. My instructor does not; and this is fine. I do not judge, valuate, or really have an opinion on what one subscribes their beliefs to... 

...I just disagree.

Pure and simple. 

So I am left trying to figure out a way to salvage the semester. I just say F it. Draw what I want and how I want, but still try to hear what he is saying about relationships... and f(orget) all this rigamarole about abstracting. 

I want to be a better draughtsman, THAT is why I am in this class... to SEE better. 


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